Tuesday, October 6, 2015

The Empress

And the time has come, once again, for another blog post by Briana! Today's entry is brought to you by the number 3 and the letter E for Empress. So lets dive right in and have a look!

Beautiful isn't she? The Empress is motherhood personified. If you look closely you'll see that she's pregnant, so she's a big fertility card. She represents Mother Earth in all her generosity and abundance. She's another aspect of the Divine Feminine. Her love for you is endless, just like a mother's for her child. Are you trying to have a child? Pulling this card is an indicator of a pregnancy, or even a birth in the near future.

Being a representative for Mother Earth she might be telling you to get out into nature, connect with it! Go to the forest and sit with the trees, watch the animals come and go. Lay back in the grass and observe the shapes of the clouds, do you see any images? What do they mean to you? Maybe you can mother the Earth a little, go plant a tree, clean up a park, foster an animal. We are the Earth's children but we're also her caretakers and we need to protect her.

Sometimes she'll show a woman that is working hard to ensure a safe and secure future for her family. Is there someone giving you advice that you've been ignoring? She's telling you that you're getting good advice, listen to it. Maybe you're a childless person, that doesn't mean you can't act as a mother. Connect with people in your life, support them, care for and nurture them. A mother doesn't always have to be biological.

Another important thing she's telling us is to embrace ourselves! You are beautiful, you are sexy, you are worthy! Love yourself so that you can love others. Open yourself up to your own sensuality and sexuality. Even moms want to have a little fun now and then. And we need it! Take yourself on a date and pamper yourself. If you're not feeling your best, you can't care for others so they can be their best.

Men I don't want you to feel like I'm leaving you out. I'm absolutely not. If you see this then now is a great time to nurture and connect with your children. Make sure they know that you're there for them and will listen with open ears, and an open heart, to what they may have to say. Don't be afraid to show that softer side of you. Tap into your feminine side and honor it!

If you happen to see her upside down she could be trying to alert you to an unhappy home situation. Possibly an infidelity or uncertainty in your relationship. She also can be telling you that you tend to smother people with too much mothering, not everybody wants or needs to be mothered. Maybe you're dealing with infertility issues. Sometimes you aren't satisfied with the material things in your life and you feel like you need more.

I hope that you'll take a little time today and mother someone in your life, even if it's just yourself. Nurture and love those around you. Until next time folks!

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