Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Taking a ride on the Chariot

Hey everyone! Sorry it's been a while but my youngest son has been sick so I've been playing Nurse Mommy with him. He's not back at school today but you can tell he's feeling much better. I've been trying to write this particular post for several days now, but everytime I start he needs something and I've forgotten to save it. My brains been elsewhere I guess. Let's go ahead and take a look at this card.

I really love the look of this card, and it's still Robin Wood. I just love the whole deck. Looking at the man we see him richly dressed in gold and flowing fabric with a small crown on his head, he's standing underneath a beautiful canopy covered with stars. He's holding a harp and it looks as if he's loudly proclaiming a message. He's standing in a Chariot that's being pulled by two unicorns that are the opposite of each other. It's an impressive card, 

The first thing I notice though is him speaking, he's spreading good news! And he wants to make sure you hear it LOUDLY! Pay attention to him because there's a reason why you need this message. He could be telling you to prepare for a move, maybe a promotion is coming your way, or that trip you've been wanting to go on is finally about to happen! Road trip!!!! He's also telling you to remain confident and rely on yourself. Be proud of who you are, because you're awesome! Have control of your actions and be determined. 

The Chariot also spreads a message about hard work. He wants you to know that all of your goals can be met if you work hard and put your whole self into it. He's saying reach for the stars! The unicorns represent opposing forces, and how sometimes you need to work a little harder to make those forces work in harmony. But remember that it's all worth it. 

This guy also wants you to remember to be proud of yourself when you accomplish your goals. He  says to celebrate! You worked hard and you absolutely deserve to celebrate, just make sure that you don't let your victory go to your head, He reminds us that we know what we want and all we have to do is reach out and take it. Be the master of your own destiny! When all the pieces of the situation work in harmony, things get down, triumphs happen! Just remember that knowledge is the key to victory, don't go in blindly and try to fumble your way through.

When the Chariot appears reversed he's letting you know that you're tooting your own horn entirely too much. A nice Southern phrase that comes to mind is, you're getting too big for your britches. What you accomplished was great and it's okay to be proud, but it isn't okay to make others feel less than because of it. This is also a warning, if things continue on the path you're on then the situation is doomed to fail. All of your hopes and dreams are crumbling around your feet. He's telling you that trouble and arguments are coming if you don't get it together. And he wants you to be aware that it is not acceptable to step on the "little people" in your life to get what you want.

Today I think that I'm going to focus on the big message that I get from the Chariot, reach for the stars because with hard work anything is possible!

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