Thursday, October 8, 2015

Emperor of the Universe

And it's that time again! Today we're going to visit with The Emperor. And we're still working with the Robin Wood deck because it's one of my favorites! Let's take a look at him, shall we?

I think he's quite a handsome fellow. He looks regal in his purple cloak with the gold accents, not to mention his scepter, I totally need to get one of those. Last post we talked about the Empress and how she represents the Divine Feminine, well this dapper gentleman is her Divine Masculine counterpart. He is a stable and secure father figure. When you look at his feet you see them resting on a globe, that tells us that this guy has his feet planted firmly on the ground. He's a responsible and no nonsense kind of guy. That doesn't mean he's stern all the time and doesn't know how to have fun, he's just more serious and has a dry sense of humor. He's probably really good at dad jokes too. "I'm hungry!" "Hi Hungry, I'm Dad!"

On the back of his chair is a gunpowder horn which means that this man is a capable provider. He knows what his family needs and he's not afraid to do what it takes to get it. He's also extremely protective over the people he loves, and again, he's not afraid to do what it takes. He's an authoritative person, a strong but fair leader that is absolutely not afraid of conflict. He's also very much into "law and order".

Good golly, is this guy wise. If he pops up he's trying to tell you something and you had better listen well. He wants you to take matters firmly in hand and run them, don't let the situation run you. He wants you to stop thinking and reacting with your heart, learn to think with your brain! He might be telling you to stop wearing your heart on your sleeve, control your emotions and don't let them control you. Boy this is more good advice that I really need to listen to. The Emperor wants you to get organized! Stop being so loosey goosey and follow through with what you've said and planned. Get coordinated and learn some structure. Pay attention, there could be a new opportunity coming your way, don't let it pass you by!

And for our ladies, he's telling us to be strong and don't let our feelings and emotions run the show. Your feelings are valid and important but don't let them get the best of you. Tap into your inner protector and show the world who's boss!

If the Emperor turns up reversed it's time to really start focusing on whats going on around you. You could be letting immaturity and your own ego get in the way. You may have a way of letting every thing in your life get confused and jumbled up, you need to sort through all the mess and take control. Did you recently get a new position? Has it gone to your head? He's probably telling you that you're abusing your position and you're being an ineffective leader. Maybe there's a man in your life that is stifling you. It's probably best to get rid of that negative influence in your life. He also talks about someone who is lacking in the self control department. There's a lot of close minded behavior going on. The thing to remember though, is don't be afraid to stand up for yourself if someone is being an ass. Remember that you deserve better and that if the Emperor wouldn't let someone treat you like that, then you shouldn't either.

Today I hope you take a look in the mirror and take a long look at yourself. Find ways to tap into your inner Emperor and love yourself.


  1. I love I said I LOVED the High Priestess but this one is even better in my opinion! I have struggled with the Emperor since day one and your post just made it click for me. Thank you!!!!

    1. Aww yay! I hope it made sense and I wasn't talking myself in circles!! You're awesome!
