Monday, November 2, 2015

Testing our Strength

Hello, hello! Today I want to talk to you about the Strength card! I always enjoy seeing this card pop up in a reading because it's such an affirmation to me. You are strong! Be strong! I like cards that boost my confidence levels. Let's take a look at her. 

This really is a lovely card. The first thing I notice when I look at this card is that beautiful lion. He's big, strong, and powerful. But if you look closely at his jaw you'll see the woman's hand. She's holding his mouth shut with absolutely no struggle. When you look at her you see the beautiful and serene expression on her face. She's wearing a flowing white gown, and a crown of flowers in her head. 

When you see Strength this card is telling you to realize that you have more inner strength than you think you do. She's saying have courage! Be patient and keep your composure. You have the inner power to overcome any obstacle, you can handle what is thrown at you! 

The Strength card is talking about your quiet determination. Use gentle persuasion instead of force to help keep control over a situation. Have compassion and be a positive force in people's lives. She's reminding us to use your best instincts. You may have a way of using soft control so that people are coaxed into thinking like you do. Use that power responsibly! 

A big thing that she's telling you is that you can tame your inner beast. You have the ability to control your basic animal instincts. We're being reminded to be responsible for your actions. Balance your passion and your intellect. Give people the space they need but be a strong enough presence to make a difference. 

When Strength is in your reading reversed she's warning you that you losing control, get it together! She's telling you that you're ignoring your instincts and you need to pay attention to them. You've probably been feeling a little helpless lately, don't lose hope. Have faith and don't lose your desire for better things! Don't lose your resolve. Be wary about showing weaknesses, some people will try to manipulate you. Are you the kind of person that always relies on others for strength? You need to look within yourself and realize that you are strong enough! 

Your homework for today is to spend a few minutes thinking about what makes you strong. Focus on those things and celebrate them! I love you! 

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Taking a ride on the Chariot

Hey everyone! Sorry it's been a while but my youngest son has been sick so I've been playing Nurse Mommy with him. He's not back at school today but you can tell he's feeling much better. I've been trying to write this particular post for several days now, but everytime I start he needs something and I've forgotten to save it. My brains been elsewhere I guess. Let's go ahead and take a look at this card.

I really love the look of this card, and it's still Robin Wood. I just love the whole deck. Looking at the man we see him richly dressed in gold and flowing fabric with a small crown on his head, he's standing underneath a beautiful canopy covered with stars. He's holding a harp and it looks as if he's loudly proclaiming a message. He's standing in a Chariot that's being pulled by two unicorns that are the opposite of each other. It's an impressive card, 

The first thing I notice though is him speaking, he's spreading good news! And he wants to make sure you hear it LOUDLY! Pay attention to him because there's a reason why you need this message. He could be telling you to prepare for a move, maybe a promotion is coming your way, or that trip you've been wanting to go on is finally about to happen! Road trip!!!! He's also telling you to remain confident and rely on yourself. Be proud of who you are, because you're awesome! Have control of your actions and be determined. 

The Chariot also spreads a message about hard work. He wants you to know that all of your goals can be met if you work hard and put your whole self into it. He's saying reach for the stars! The unicorns represent opposing forces, and how sometimes you need to work a little harder to make those forces work in harmony. But remember that it's all worth it. 

This guy also wants you to remember to be proud of yourself when you accomplish your goals. He  says to celebrate! You worked hard and you absolutely deserve to celebrate, just make sure that you don't let your victory go to your head, He reminds us that we know what we want and all we have to do is reach out and take it. Be the master of your own destiny! When all the pieces of the situation work in harmony, things get down, triumphs happen! Just remember that knowledge is the key to victory, don't go in blindly and try to fumble your way through.

When the Chariot appears reversed he's letting you know that you're tooting your own horn entirely too much. A nice Southern phrase that comes to mind is, you're getting too big for your britches. What you accomplished was great and it's okay to be proud, but it isn't okay to make others feel less than because of it. This is also a warning, if things continue on the path you're on then the situation is doomed to fail. All of your hopes and dreams are crumbling around your feet. He's telling you that trouble and arguments are coming if you don't get it together. And he wants you to be aware that it is not acceptable to step on the "little people" in your life to get what you want.

Today I think that I'm going to focus on the big message that I get from the Chariot, reach for the stars because with hard work anything is possible!

Saturday, October 17, 2015

The Lovers

Maybe Hello everybody! So it's taking me longer than normal to write this post and its because the Lovers confuse  the hell out of me. So I've decided that I'm just going to write what I have and go with it. Without further ado we're  going to look at the The Lovers!

Oooooh a sexy card! And let me tell you right now, most of it is sexy to me. Sorry about that I guess I have sex on the brain. To me the biggest thing that the lovers talks about is intimate relationships. Your lover, your spouse, someone you drool over. Have you been having lots of great sex lately? Maybe you haven't been having enough and the Lovers want you to go out and get some! They want you to embrace your sexuality. Put on your sexiest underwear and the hottest outfit you own and show the world you're ready for some love. Woo your lover. Make them a meal and pamper them. Maybe you don't have a lover, that's perfectly okay too! Make love to yourself. Show yourself some compassion and affection. Tell yourself you're beautiful, and mean it because you are beautiful. You're a fox! This card says that if you aren't in a relationship to be on the lookout because someone's coming your way.

The Lovers want you to know that sex is important but it's not necessarily the most important thing in a relationship. You need to trust your partner, and they need to trust you. Learn to rely on that special person in your life. The success of your relationship depends on mutual understanding and cooperation. Have faith in the person you're with. Maybe things aren't going so smoothly in your relationship right now. Remind yourself of the wonderful things that made you want to be with each other in the first place.

This card also talks about platonic relationships. Maybe you just started a new job with a new partner. The Lovers want you to know that this is a good partnership for you and you guys are going to compliment each other. Be on the lookout, you might be about to stumble across something that you're going to fall instantly in love with. Head over heals, madly in love. Maybe with a new puppy! Or a computer! Then you can blog with me! I'm excited for you! 

The Lovers might be giving you a warning. Be careful not to let the person that you're physically attracted to become an obsession. It's fine to want someone but it's creepy to obsess over them. But mostly they're telling you to follow your heart. As Anna and Hans sing love is an open door and you just have to go through it.  

When the Lovers show up in reverse it could be talking about a love that's felt by one person but not reciprocated by the other person. Perhaps your dealing with some frustrations in your relationship. Maybe one of you is unable or even disinclined to share your thoughts and feelings with the other person. It could be that you are in a partnership where one person is now refusing to work with the other person. You might be experiencing failure, unreliability, instability, or just feeling imbalanced. Or perhaps a close relationship that you've been in is now starting to fall apart. They might be telling you that the love you feel for a person is quickly turning obsessive and unhealthy. Now might be a good time to end the relationship before anyone gets hurt. 

All in all I really love seeing the Lovers. They're happy and in love, and most people I know enjoy being happy and in love. For your Lovers homework I want you to take time to reconnect with your significant other. Or if you're single then take time to reconnect with yourself. Show the important people in your life how much they mean to you. 

I love you all. 

Friday, October 9, 2015

The Hierophant

Hello, hello, hello! Is everybody fabulous? I hope so! What's the weather like in your area? It's sunny here today and after the torrential rain we had over the weekend the sun is a nice treat. But I'm sure that you didn't come here to have small talk with me, so lets get on to today's topic: The Hierophant!

I have to admit, there's something about him that makes me feel slightly uncomfortable. He isn't a bad guy just a little too serious for my liking. But we aren't going to talk about my hangups because they could fill up a whole years worth of blog posts by themselves, So we're just going to move right along.

Just by looking at him we can tell that the Hierophant is a man of religion. And with him we see two young acolytes, he's sharing his knowledge with those children. He's a strict man, he's uncompromising, and bound by tradition. But he's fine with that. They've been worshiping the same way for what seems like eternity, and as the old adage goes, if it's not broke why fix it? He's a generous man in the name of his faith. He's also a man who is more concerned with how things appear to others than how they actually are.

The Hierophant may turn up if you're asking about religious or sacred matters. He wants you to take some time and focus on your spirituality. He'll take your hand and help lead you down the path so you can focus on it. Sometimes he'll come around if you're in the process of learning something new. He's a very intelligent man and wants to help pass on his knowledge. He may be telling you that you need to get involved with some sort of group activity, religious or otherwise, so long as its an organized group effort.

When the Hierophant visits in reverse he could be telling you that you're being generous at the expense of yourself. It's wonderful to give of yourself but don't give EVERYTHING! You may be feeling restricted lately, and like you've lost some flexibility in your life. Are you going through some conflict with a figure of authority in your life? Maybe it's time to break away from the heard and challenge the norm. He could be showing you that that you're dealing with someone who's trying to rule with an iron fist. Or maybe you even feel like you're being forced to conform even though you don't agree with what's happening.

So today I'm going to reflect on the Hierophant, and really focus on my own spiritual practice. I hope you'll take some time to do the same.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Emperor of the Universe

And it's that time again! Today we're going to visit with The Emperor. And we're still working with the Robin Wood deck because it's one of my favorites! Let's take a look at him, shall we?

I think he's quite a handsome fellow. He looks regal in his purple cloak with the gold accents, not to mention his scepter, I totally need to get one of those. Last post we talked about the Empress and how she represents the Divine Feminine, well this dapper gentleman is her Divine Masculine counterpart. He is a stable and secure father figure. When you look at his feet you see them resting on a globe, that tells us that this guy has his feet planted firmly on the ground. He's a responsible and no nonsense kind of guy. That doesn't mean he's stern all the time and doesn't know how to have fun, he's just more serious and has a dry sense of humor. He's probably really good at dad jokes too. "I'm hungry!" "Hi Hungry, I'm Dad!"

On the back of his chair is a gunpowder horn which means that this man is a capable provider. He knows what his family needs and he's not afraid to do what it takes to get it. He's also extremely protective over the people he loves, and again, he's not afraid to do what it takes. He's an authoritative person, a strong but fair leader that is absolutely not afraid of conflict. He's also very much into "law and order".

Good golly, is this guy wise. If he pops up he's trying to tell you something and you had better listen well. He wants you to take matters firmly in hand and run them, don't let the situation run you. He wants you to stop thinking and reacting with your heart, learn to think with your brain! He might be telling you to stop wearing your heart on your sleeve, control your emotions and don't let them control you. Boy this is more good advice that I really need to listen to. The Emperor wants you to get organized! Stop being so loosey goosey and follow through with what you've said and planned. Get coordinated and learn some structure. Pay attention, there could be a new opportunity coming your way, don't let it pass you by!

And for our ladies, he's telling us to be strong and don't let our feelings and emotions run the show. Your feelings are valid and important but don't let them get the best of you. Tap into your inner protector and show the world who's boss!

If the Emperor turns up reversed it's time to really start focusing on whats going on around you. You could be letting immaturity and your own ego get in the way. You may have a way of letting every thing in your life get confused and jumbled up, you need to sort through all the mess and take control. Did you recently get a new position? Has it gone to your head? He's probably telling you that you're abusing your position and you're being an ineffective leader. Maybe there's a man in your life that is stifling you. It's probably best to get rid of that negative influence in your life. He also talks about someone who is lacking in the self control department. There's a lot of close minded behavior going on. The thing to remember though, is don't be afraid to stand up for yourself if someone is being an ass. Remember that you deserve better and that if the Emperor wouldn't let someone treat you like that, then you shouldn't either.

Today I hope you take a look in the mirror and take a long look at yourself. Find ways to tap into your inner Emperor and love yourself.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

The Empress

And the time has come, once again, for another blog post by Briana! Today's entry is brought to you by the number 3 and the letter E for Empress. So lets dive right in and have a look!

Beautiful isn't she? The Empress is motherhood personified. If you look closely you'll see that she's pregnant, so she's a big fertility card. She represents Mother Earth in all her generosity and abundance. She's another aspect of the Divine Feminine. Her love for you is endless, just like a mother's for her child. Are you trying to have a child? Pulling this card is an indicator of a pregnancy, or even a birth in the near future.

Being a representative for Mother Earth she might be telling you to get out into nature, connect with it! Go to the forest and sit with the trees, watch the animals come and go. Lay back in the grass and observe the shapes of the clouds, do you see any images? What do they mean to you? Maybe you can mother the Earth a little, go plant a tree, clean up a park, foster an animal. We are the Earth's children but we're also her caretakers and we need to protect her.

Sometimes she'll show a woman that is working hard to ensure a safe and secure future for her family. Is there someone giving you advice that you've been ignoring? She's telling you that you're getting good advice, listen to it. Maybe you're a childless person, that doesn't mean you can't act as a mother. Connect with people in your life, support them, care for and nurture them. A mother doesn't always have to be biological.

Another important thing she's telling us is to embrace ourselves! You are beautiful, you are sexy, you are worthy! Love yourself so that you can love others. Open yourself up to your own sensuality and sexuality. Even moms want to have a little fun now and then. And we need it! Take yourself on a date and pamper yourself. If you're not feeling your best, you can't care for others so they can be their best.

Men I don't want you to feel like I'm leaving you out. I'm absolutely not. If you see this then now is a great time to nurture and connect with your children. Make sure they know that you're there for them and will listen with open ears, and an open heart, to what they may have to say. Don't be afraid to show that softer side of you. Tap into your feminine side and honor it!

If you happen to see her upside down she could be trying to alert you to an unhappy home situation. Possibly an infidelity or uncertainty in your relationship. She also can be telling you that you tend to smother people with too much mothering, not everybody wants or needs to be mothered. Maybe you're dealing with infertility issues. Sometimes you aren't satisfied with the material things in your life and you feel like you need more.

I hope that you'll take a little time today and mother someone in your life, even if it's just yourself. Nurture and love those around you. Until next time folks!

Friday, October 2, 2015

Unveiling the High Priestess

Alright folks, here we are again! I apologize for bring late, but I've had some health issues to contend with, and while they aren't over I realize I need to focus on something else. So today we're going to turn our attention to the ever so lovely High Priestess.

Isn't she goegeous? We're, of course, still working with the Robin Wood deck. It's one of my absolute favorites. Last posts card was the Magician, in all his Divine Masculine glory. The High Priestess is his counterpart and represents the Divine Feminine. If we look at her number we see that she is number 2, which represents how she balances out The Magician. If we look within ourselves we have to recognize the balance that the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine bring.

Looking within is one of the biggest thing the Priestess wants us to do. She wants you to stop for a minute and really pay attention to how you feel, what you think, whats going on in your life and around you. Every person has a fantastic thing called intuition. Some think of it as the little voice in their heads, or the angel and demon sitting on their shoulders. Mother's intuition is a huge thing, most mama's, or daddy's for that matter, can sense when something is wrong with their child, even if thy aren't together. The High Priestess wants you to really focus on that intuition. You might be saying, "Bri I don't know what you're talking about, I'm not intuitive at all! I can't even read my own mind!" And that's okay, but trust me you are! But the more you recognize and learn to listen to that voice inside your head, the more you'll hear it. Every time you have a gut feeling about someone, negative or positive, that's your intuition. When you feel the need to turn right instead of left, and you miss that horrible accident, that's your intuition. The High Priestess is a damn good judge of character. And so are you if you'll listen to what your intuition is saying, That's what she's telling you! Pay attention to yourself! Trust your gut.

If you look at the Priestesses hands you'll see a crystal ball in her right and a book in the left. The book shows us her intelligence, and our own. We have the ability to learn and grow as human beings, and we must learn in order to thrive. The crystal ball represents her work with the occult or the unseen. She personifies wisdom, power, and intelligence. All traits that we'll find in ourselves if we take the time to look.

One of the biggest things she says to me though is be patient. See how calm she looks? She's completely unruffled. She's content to watch what's going on around her, process it internally, and then take action. She has the ability to know when to step back and just not do anything. If a horse is racing out of control, it probably isn't wise to step in front of it to try to stop it. She's telling you to let the horse race, wait until it's run it's course, and then take control of it. Good grief, she's talking to me today. This is a big lesson I need to learn. I need to learn to just take a second, breathe, and then react after I know what's really going on. I bet a bunch of you do too, am I right?

If you pull her reversed she's likely telling you that're ignoring your inner voice. You're intuition is poor and needs some practice. She could be telling you that you're too quick to jump into action and you need to take a second and find out what's going on before you react. The phrase action not reaction is pertinent here. Perhaps you're not using your best judgement, I know I've seen her from time to time and it's like a wake up call. Ignorance is a lack of knowledge or information. Don't let your ignorance about the subject at hand cloud your judgement. Learn your lessons! They're important.

So today, as you go about your life, try to focus on the inner calm and serenity that is the High Priestess. Let her show you how to tap into your intuition. And most of all, if you hear your little voice speak up then pay attention!

Friday, September 25, 2015

He's a Magic Man!

Alrighty then! Second post and it's already a day late! Get with the program Briana!

Okay so today we're going to talk about The Magician! We're still focusing on the Robin Wood Tarot deck so let's take a look at him.

He's a pretty good looking guy! I always get excited when I see the Magician. He's intelligent, powerful, and creative, all things I look for in a man! But this card represents some of the best qualities in us. The Magician wants you to tap into your full potential, be creative, use your talents. He doesn't want you to give up because things got hard and you have to fight. If it's worth having, it's worth fighting for! 

See that lemniscate he's holding in his hand? He's telling us that the possibilities are endless. The Magician is always learning and he might be telling you it's time to start studying. Don't limit yourself. He wants you to know that you have unending potential. If someone tells you that you can't, the Magician is telling you that you can. 

If you take a good look at the table then you can see all four suits of the Minor arcana represented. Pentacles, swords, wands, and cups. The suits represent the elements. Earth, air, fire, and water. He has the ability to tap into all four, so in magical workings he can help you harness that power. The Magician also realizes that things aren't always black and white, so he can help you balance the two within yourself. 

If you happen to see him upside down it's telling you that you're feeling a bit insecure. Sometimes he tells you that if you continue to make bad decisions, it's going to cost you. He might be telling you to tap into your inner confidence. You can't be afraid to try, and you can't be opposed to learning new things. 

When you read this I hope that you will open yourself up to the wisdom that the Magician provides. Let him teach you! 

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

The Beginning, The Fool

This is The Beginning for me.

My name is Briana and I'm a Tarot reader. I've been reading for over 10 years now, for family and close friends. I enjoy Tarot and the messages from the Universe that the cards bring, but most of all I enjoy being able to spread the message with others! 

As this is The Beginning of this blog I thought I'd take a minute to introduce myself before I dive right into the cards! As I said, my name is Briana and I'm 30 years old. I'm a wife, my husband and I hit our 10 year anniversary in December! And we have two beautiful sons. I'm a Pagan witch and have been for roughly 13 years. My husband and I live in a very small southern town, in the Bible Belt, so mostly my practice and my cards have been something I did in secret. Over the last year or so my practice has been leading me down a new road. And now the message is coming loud and clear! Be open with who you are! Be proud of who you are! Share your gifts with as many people as you can! I've been dragging my feet, a lot. But my husband just got a new promotion and with his promotion comes a move! He'll have to commute for a little while but as soon as we find somewhere to live we'll be moving so we can be closer to his job. 

With this new beginning for my little family I've realized that it's time to make a new beginning to myself. So now I'll be focusing more on my chosen path and my Tarot cards! It's time to bring them to you all! 

With this blog I hope to give insight to the meanings of cards and also to publish any new spreads that I come up with! I want to share as much as I can with you all! But I also realize that not everyone will be inclined, or able to read the cards. So if you want me to do a private reading for you then email me at and we can discuss what you're looking for! One of my goals is to talk about a specific card daily. I say daily, and I do realize that's ambitious, and I am going to try but I do have a life outside of the cards so while I try for daily we may only get every other day! 

So without further ado I'm going to introduce today's card, which I mentioned in the title of this post! I always find it funny how decisive Tarot can be, when I was discussing my plans with my husband I told him that I couldn't decide if I wanted to go numerically through the deck or just pick a random card every day. I decided to just shuffle and see what happened, and the Fool in all his lovely, innocent glory was the card I pulled! So I'm taking that as a sign and I'm going to read numerically starting with The Fool! Currently I'm using one of my favorite decks the Robin Wood Tarot and I'm putting his picture below. (Please forgive the weird picture, I had to use my cell phone.)

If we take a look at the card the first thing we see is this happy guy, playing his flute, about to walk off a cliff. We see his little doggy pal at his side, the backpack on the fools back, and the beautiful clear sky behind him. This card tells us that the person he represents is kind, has a pure heart and is generally a pretty happy person! It also tells us that the person doesn't always pay attention and can sometimes leap before he looks. This guy if fun loving and searching for adventure! He also represents The Beginning! If you look at him, you see that he's about to walk off a cliff, but all you see is the top part! It could very well be a cliff that he's going to take a plunge off of, or it could just be a larger step down to the path right below that overhang. Today that's what he's saying to me. Sometimes in life you have to step out of your comfort zone! Take that first step and walk off that metaphoric cliff! The good thing about the Fool is that he's about to learn a lesson, and he wants you to take the first step on your journey and learn from it! What good does is it do for you to stumble on your path if you realize that its a lesson and you needed to be taught something. So a couple key words for the Fool are: a beginning, fool hearty, happy go lucky, learn your lesson well! 

When you look at him reversed it could be telling you that you're too careless. Pay attention! It could be telling you that you lack control. Don't be indecisive and perch on the edge of the cliff. Be bold, take that first step! 

So today, I'm the Fool, and you guys are all going to take this journey with me! I hope that you took something out of this! If you have any thoughts or comments please share them! I'd love to hear with you think!

Love to you all!