Friday, October 2, 2015

Unveiling the High Priestess

Alright folks, here we are again! I apologize for bring late, but I've had some health issues to contend with, and while they aren't over I realize I need to focus on something else. So today we're going to turn our attention to the ever so lovely High Priestess.

Isn't she goegeous? We're, of course, still working with the Robin Wood deck. It's one of my absolute favorites. Last posts card was the Magician, in all his Divine Masculine glory. The High Priestess is his counterpart and represents the Divine Feminine. If we look at her number we see that she is number 2, which represents how she balances out The Magician. If we look within ourselves we have to recognize the balance that the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine bring.

Looking within is one of the biggest thing the Priestess wants us to do. She wants you to stop for a minute and really pay attention to how you feel, what you think, whats going on in your life and around you. Every person has a fantastic thing called intuition. Some think of it as the little voice in their heads, or the angel and demon sitting on their shoulders. Mother's intuition is a huge thing, most mama's, or daddy's for that matter, can sense when something is wrong with their child, even if thy aren't together. The High Priestess wants you to really focus on that intuition. You might be saying, "Bri I don't know what you're talking about, I'm not intuitive at all! I can't even read my own mind!" And that's okay, but trust me you are! But the more you recognize and learn to listen to that voice inside your head, the more you'll hear it. Every time you have a gut feeling about someone, negative or positive, that's your intuition. When you feel the need to turn right instead of left, and you miss that horrible accident, that's your intuition. The High Priestess is a damn good judge of character. And so are you if you'll listen to what your intuition is saying, That's what she's telling you! Pay attention to yourself! Trust your gut.

If you look at the Priestesses hands you'll see a crystal ball in her right and a book in the left. The book shows us her intelligence, and our own. We have the ability to learn and grow as human beings, and we must learn in order to thrive. The crystal ball represents her work with the occult or the unseen. She personifies wisdom, power, and intelligence. All traits that we'll find in ourselves if we take the time to look.

One of the biggest things she says to me though is be patient. See how calm she looks? She's completely unruffled. She's content to watch what's going on around her, process it internally, and then take action. She has the ability to know when to step back and just not do anything. If a horse is racing out of control, it probably isn't wise to step in front of it to try to stop it. She's telling you to let the horse race, wait until it's run it's course, and then take control of it. Good grief, she's talking to me today. This is a big lesson I need to learn. I need to learn to just take a second, breathe, and then react after I know what's really going on. I bet a bunch of you do too, am I right?

If you pull her reversed she's likely telling you that're ignoring your inner voice. You're intuition is poor and needs some practice. She could be telling you that you're too quick to jump into action and you need to take a second and find out what's going on before you react. The phrase action not reaction is pertinent here. Perhaps you're not using your best judgement, I know I've seen her from time to time and it's like a wake up call. Ignorance is a lack of knowledge or information. Don't let your ignorance about the subject at hand cloud your judgement. Learn your lessons! They're important.

So today, as you go about your life, try to focus on the inner calm and serenity that is the High Priestess. Let her show you how to tap into your intuition. And most of all, if you hear your little voice speak up then pay attention!