Friday, September 25, 2015

He's a Magic Man!

Alrighty then! Second post and it's already a day late! Get with the program Briana!

Okay so today we're going to talk about The Magician! We're still focusing on the Robin Wood Tarot deck so let's take a look at him.

He's a pretty good looking guy! I always get excited when I see the Magician. He's intelligent, powerful, and creative, all things I look for in a man! But this card represents some of the best qualities in us. The Magician wants you to tap into your full potential, be creative, use your talents. He doesn't want you to give up because things got hard and you have to fight. If it's worth having, it's worth fighting for! 

See that lemniscate he's holding in his hand? He's telling us that the possibilities are endless. The Magician is always learning and he might be telling you it's time to start studying. Don't limit yourself. He wants you to know that you have unending potential. If someone tells you that you can't, the Magician is telling you that you can. 

If you take a good look at the table then you can see all four suits of the Minor arcana represented. Pentacles, swords, wands, and cups. The suits represent the elements. Earth, air, fire, and water. He has the ability to tap into all four, so in magical workings he can help you harness that power. The Magician also realizes that things aren't always black and white, so he can help you balance the two within yourself. 

If you happen to see him upside down it's telling you that you're feeling a bit insecure. Sometimes he tells you that if you continue to make bad decisions, it's going to cost you. He might be telling you to tap into your inner confidence. You can't be afraid to try, and you can't be opposed to learning new things. 

When you read this I hope that you will open yourself up to the wisdom that the Magician provides. Let him teach you! 

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

The Beginning, The Fool

This is The Beginning for me.

My name is Briana and I'm a Tarot reader. I've been reading for over 10 years now, for family and close friends. I enjoy Tarot and the messages from the Universe that the cards bring, but most of all I enjoy being able to spread the message with others! 

As this is The Beginning of this blog I thought I'd take a minute to introduce myself before I dive right into the cards! As I said, my name is Briana and I'm 30 years old. I'm a wife, my husband and I hit our 10 year anniversary in December! And we have two beautiful sons. I'm a Pagan witch and have been for roughly 13 years. My husband and I live in a very small southern town, in the Bible Belt, so mostly my practice and my cards have been something I did in secret. Over the last year or so my practice has been leading me down a new road. And now the message is coming loud and clear! Be open with who you are! Be proud of who you are! Share your gifts with as many people as you can! I've been dragging my feet, a lot. But my husband just got a new promotion and with his promotion comes a move! He'll have to commute for a little while but as soon as we find somewhere to live we'll be moving so we can be closer to his job. 

With this new beginning for my little family I've realized that it's time to make a new beginning to myself. So now I'll be focusing more on my chosen path and my Tarot cards! It's time to bring them to you all! 

With this blog I hope to give insight to the meanings of cards and also to publish any new spreads that I come up with! I want to share as much as I can with you all! But I also realize that not everyone will be inclined, or able to read the cards. So if you want me to do a private reading for you then email me at and we can discuss what you're looking for! One of my goals is to talk about a specific card daily. I say daily, and I do realize that's ambitious, and I am going to try but I do have a life outside of the cards so while I try for daily we may only get every other day! 

So without further ado I'm going to introduce today's card, which I mentioned in the title of this post! I always find it funny how decisive Tarot can be, when I was discussing my plans with my husband I told him that I couldn't decide if I wanted to go numerically through the deck or just pick a random card every day. I decided to just shuffle and see what happened, and the Fool in all his lovely, innocent glory was the card I pulled! So I'm taking that as a sign and I'm going to read numerically starting with The Fool! Currently I'm using one of my favorite decks the Robin Wood Tarot and I'm putting his picture below. (Please forgive the weird picture, I had to use my cell phone.)

If we take a look at the card the first thing we see is this happy guy, playing his flute, about to walk off a cliff. We see his little doggy pal at his side, the backpack on the fools back, and the beautiful clear sky behind him. This card tells us that the person he represents is kind, has a pure heart and is generally a pretty happy person! It also tells us that the person doesn't always pay attention and can sometimes leap before he looks. This guy if fun loving and searching for adventure! He also represents The Beginning! If you look at him, you see that he's about to walk off a cliff, but all you see is the top part! It could very well be a cliff that he's going to take a plunge off of, or it could just be a larger step down to the path right below that overhang. Today that's what he's saying to me. Sometimes in life you have to step out of your comfort zone! Take that first step and walk off that metaphoric cliff! The good thing about the Fool is that he's about to learn a lesson, and he wants you to take the first step on your journey and learn from it! What good does is it do for you to stumble on your path if you realize that its a lesson and you needed to be taught something. So a couple key words for the Fool are: a beginning, fool hearty, happy go lucky, learn your lesson well! 

When you look at him reversed it could be telling you that you're too careless. Pay attention! It could be telling you that you lack control. Don't be indecisive and perch on the edge of the cliff. Be bold, take that first step! 

So today, I'm the Fool, and you guys are all going to take this journey with me! I hope that you took something out of this! If you have any thoughts or comments please share them! I'd love to hear with you think!

Love to you all!